Keeping Warm in Winter
During winter time it is important to keep your household running costs down just as much as you would in summer. For tips on keeping warm this winter we suggest a reverse cycle air conditioner. Looking at your control…
During winter time it is important to keep your household running costs down just as much as you would in summer. For tips on keeping warm this winter we suggest a reverse cycle air conditioner. Looking at your control…
Have you ever wondered how much your Air Conditioner costs you to run? Do you worry about if it is driving up your electricity bills? RPM explains Inverter Technology and Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning and how it…
At RPM Enterprises, our friendly and experienced Brisbane electricians are focused on making our Air Conditioning and Electrical services second to none. What are some good tips to ensure your Air Conditioning and Electrical specialist is the most suitable for your…
Competition has been warming up between Australian air conditioner manufacturers recently, with temperatures competing with the hottest Brisbane summer day. There has probably never been a better time to install climate control equipment from Mitsubishi Electric or Fujitsu General…
In July 1997, legislation was passed requiring all new and significantly renovated homes to have adequate Brisbane Smoke Alarms installed. Any homes built prior to July 1997 are now required to have battery powered smoke alarms…